
Art Marketing Tips – Art Print Sales – Marketing My Artwork

Art marketing help

What gives us the right to call ourselves art marketing experts? For starters, we’ve been in the art making and marketing business for almost 35 years. And literally thousands of photographers and artists have benefited from our marketing and printing expertise. Many artists have said that without Fine Print, they wouldn’t be in business today.

So can we help you? Based on our past history, we’d say, “Yes”. We offer a free initial consultation, and beyond that, we find ourselves sharing with and learning from our customers on an ongoing basis. If you want more intensive training, we offer a one-on-one art marketing consultation at $80/hr.

We have provided a lot of valuable art marking info in our Marketing section. Still need more? Give us a call at 800-777-1141 or email us here.

One more thing… Do you want to make some money off of Fine Print Imaging? We will pay you for sending artists and photographers to us. If your contact mentions your name (don’t worry, we’ll ask), you get a $25 Fine Print Gift Certificate. Wait… there’s more! When your contact places an order, you’ll receive an additional certificate worth 20% of their initial order or $50, whichever is greater. Call or email us to learn more.