Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Yes, the digital camera is quickly becoming a fixture in households around the world. But that doesn’t mean film is dead. Add to that the millions of negatives and slides still sitting in film pages (and boxes), and you can see that film scanning isn’t dead either.
To go directly to pricing for our film scanning services, click Here.
If you are providing a transparency, slide or negative for printing, you will need to convert your film into a digital file. Yes, you can scan your own film on a flatbed scanner – or even on a dedicated film scanner. But you won’t get the most out of your scans with this equipment. Fine Print Imaging uses an ICG Drum Scanner which captures all of the richness and subtleties of your film. And it does it while maintaining rich blacks and incredible sharpness.
Our raw scans are created for the photographer or artist who needs a high resolution file and wants to do their own colour work. This service includes burning the raw scan to a CD or FTPing the file to you. It does not include colour work, scratch removal or a proof print. Warning! The file from the raw scan will not appear “correctly” on a monitor or be ready to produce a print. The file needs to be adjusted and may need additional cleaning and/or scratch removal done by someone proficient in working with a colour adjustment program such as Adobe Photoshop.
If you don’t see what you’re looking for, contact us. Chances are that we can help you out.
And if you need to copy your Original Artwork and don’t have slides or negatives, go to Art Copy Services.