
Fine Print Imaging – Our Customers

Our Customers

Last month we asked our customers to write us about what they were thankful for and to send a picture to illustrate. Although we said we’d publish five, these six really stood out! Thanks to all who submitted. You will be receiving a coupon worth $10 off your next order. Miss out this time?

Look in our monthly newsletter for a chance to have YOUR painting or photograph featured on our customer page!


Jan Brett

“I am thankful for puppies! My family fosters homeless puppies for ANIMAL HOUSE RESCUE in Fort Collins, until a home is found for them.  Each puppy infuses such life and energy into our home for the short time we have with them until a forever home is found. However, considering what some of these pups have been through, it is all we can do to smother them with love and forgiveness and tolerance. It is hard when we need to let them go but they will be in out hearts forever! There is nothing like a puppy!”


Stan Wolf

“Warm family home on a cold day.  The smell of favourite things simmering and baking are the most evocative of memories of kitchens and other familiar valued places.  Faces change, aging and at times coming and going.  Respite from everyday concerns, the struggles and frustrations. Old dog underfoot, a bit of a nuisance perhaps, but soon to be gone and all the more appreciated now for that reason.”

lollieortiz-7228500Lollie Ortiz

“In 2003, I left an advertising career to care for my mother who had heart problems.  Shortly after she passed away in 2006, I discovered I had late stages of cancer. By early 2007, I had already experienced a lot of soul searching when I re-discovered my love of photography. I also decided to make a difference with my work by donating an image called “Smooth Landing” to ARTS FOR AIDS.  Not only did it sell well it also inspired a new personal direction. I’m now in my third year of remission and very grateful for this blessing called Life.”

michaelstipek-7370069Michael Stipek

“I am thankful that I have been able to meet so many people over the 32 years I’ve been selling my photography – both as customers and as people who really enjoy art.  I hope that I will continue to grow and create new work that brings visual enjoyment and inner quietude to others.”

brad20lewis-5294819G. Brad Lewis

“I am thankful for a clean and pure world of beauty to explore with my daughter, that she can run into the cold wind along the shore as the tide comes in quicker than she realizes. I am thankful for her independence, that she does not have to believe me about the tide, but can learn first-hand, and her leap across the void, high pitch squeal and wet foot when she joins me on dry land, exhilaration flushing her smile. I am thankful for the health in our bodies that allow us to be in awesome places all around the planet, one after another, with gratitude and joy.”


Beth Grove

“I am thankful for health and happiness. I chose this painting for the lemons to represent health and the white tulips to represent happiness. With H1N1 in the news every night, we find ourselves paying extra attention to living a healthier lifestyle. It’s become somewhat of a cliche, but there’s no truer statement when someone facing adversity says, “…at least I have my health.” In these tough economic times it’s good to know that people can pull together, get back to the basics, and still be happy. Here’s to Health and Happiness!”

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