Mike Roberts – Fine Print Imaging

Mike Roberts – Production Manager

And the list really does go on because Mike oversees the entire process of creating your reproductions, from the moment you call or email your order to the moment it goes out the door.  He says that “he enjoys working behind the scenes – making sure things get done and get done on time – or sooner.  The big challenge is trying to translate art (both photographic and painted) into a reproduction of the art.  Since art is part visual and part emotional – getting a visual match can be difficult, but trying connect with the emotional tie the artist has with the piece is the real challenge.  One of the best parts of what I get to do here is to see all the imagery that comes through. In a sense I am able to travel the world while sitting at my desk, and get to see things that are “once in a lifetime” moments almost every day.”

Mike started at Fine Print in 1991, a few weeks after Patricia joined us.  And like Patricia, he immediately took off to get married and go on a honeymoon.  (It must be something in the water here).   He had a BA degree from CSU in History with a concentration on the Pacific Rim and Asia and had had only two very long term jobs in his life before coming to us as well as a 20 year volunteer commitment as a sound tech for his church.

When asked what attracted him to Fine Print, Mike quips that aside from being unemployed and desperate, “I had always been interested in photography.  I got my first camera when I was 6 or 7, took photography classes in school whenever they were available and had my own darkroom in my early teens.”  What attracted us to Mike was his professional demeanour, his work ethic, his analytical skills and obviously his dependability.  He promised us a year – he’s given us 18 and we are the better for it.

Mike’s “spare” time, which is virtually non-existent, is spent with his wife Debbie (who works at Fine Print just so she can see Mike once in awhile) and their 3 teenage children.

You can see Mike’s photography at www.artforconservation.org/artists/michaelroberts