Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Colorado Frames has graduated from the Fine Print Family. More specifically, Colorado Frames has new ownership. José Luis Hernandez Rojas brings his more that 15 years of experience at Colorado Frames to insure that they will continue to create stunning frames for professional artists and photographers. The great news is that they are staying in the same location – right next door to Fine Print Imaging, so we can still offer one-stop artist shopping! Order your prints AND step over to Colorado Frames to finish your art in style!
Placing Your Order
Colorado Frames offers three convenient ways to order frames. All start with finding the perfect frame.
If you are ordering prints through Fine Print imaging, let us know and we’ll alert the frame shop to make your life a whole lot easier.